with Martin & Anja

Love & Happiness
Mentoring private

available dates and details on request

Love & Happiness

28.09. – 04.10.2024

Combine your holiday on the island of love with bringing the magic back into your relationship!


talk directly
to Martin & Anja
and get immediately your solution!

Do you know such challenges?

Do you want…


We would love to advise and accompany you – of course absolutely discreet and trustworthy. Because even if you can’t imagine it yet, your personal happiness has an enormous influence on the whole world!

Do you want to get to know us before you book a mentoring?
For this case you can book also a videocall with us both.

For detailt information about our offers contact us now privatly.

We can guarantee the highest possible discretion, because we are doing all the work with our clients by ourself.

    Who are we?

    We are Martin Schwenninger & Anja Fankhauser, together since 2011 and parents of two wonderful girls. Since 10 years we spend our time nearly 24/7 as a team. We take care about our kids and we are rocking our private and also our business life together.

    In our long-term relationship we were able to grow extremely and master countless tests together. With our big journey around the world, we proved us to be happy also without regular income and supposed collateral. Our first priority has always been personal development, in a practical sense. In addition to lived spirituality in everyday life, we work diligently on our mental and physical health.

    happy rich couple no. 1

    Why do we help couples to be happy?

    The conditions for our own couple relationship were extremely unfavorable. Most of our acquaintances even considered it largely impossible that the two of us would ever be able to honestly love each other in the long term or become the unbeatable team that we are today. The challenges were suffocating and sometimes felt insurmountable. Just a fraction of our problems would certainly have made other couples give up long ago, but our love triumphed over all the difficulties. So why? Because we have given our relationship and the personal development that goes with it the highest priority in our lifes. We were ready to go on all odds, even though we had no idea at the time what joys a fulfilling couple relationship would bring.

    When we realized more and more the magical radiance of our energy as a couple and how much we could help others to mend their relationship, we began to share our experiences and insights with others professionally since 2013. We were able to motivate copious couples to focus on their own relationship. Through our advice and the provision of our most effective tools, many couples have found their relationship work much easier, which has enabled them to save a great deal of time, money, and pain.

    Couples have unimagined opportunities and immense potential to surpass themselves, because they are not alone; they are a team! It is precisely this team of a couple relationship that makes it possible to support each other in the development of consciousness. Happiness never comes from external circumstances or people involved but arises from one’s own inner consciousness.

    Why millionaire couples?

    Anyone who knows us also knows that we love to optimize: making the best version of yourself, improving processes or maximizing the success of our clients. When we look at people we see their true selves, what they really are with all possibilities. Our clients had many improvements in the past, they experienced changes they never thought they could dream of, and yet we still saw room for improvement. We realized it was down to motivation and prioritization. There was one issue in common in all these particular cases: the first priority was money, and the hope that if they could manage to have enough of it, they could save themselves the work on themselves and their romantic relationship.

    There came a point where we didn’t enjoy teaching „happiness“ to someone who actually only wanted to become rich to buy their way out of their problems. This may look like it works, but the supreme discipline – the SEX will always show the true.

    „I never would have believed that after 10 years relationship and long periods of total lack of desire, the sex would be the best ever.“

    Anja Fankhauser

    For a fulfilling relationship the sex is very important for both parts. Because the pure and sacred sexual energy is not only magical but also very powerful.

    Our skills and knowlege is now only available to couples who had already recognized that money alone does not bring happiness and they have to be willing to work together towards a fulfilling relationship.

    For financially better off couples, however, it is not easy to allow themselves this knowledge. The society expects them to be happy and on top of that they have a lot of envious people.

    Anyone who has built up their wealth in the hope of being happy and now experiences the opposite feels like they have failed. But nobody likes to fail, so the lack of happiness is ignored and compensated for as long as possible.

    The partner can also feel hurt if he gets the feeling that the relationship with him is not enough to be completely happy. As certain as most single people are that a relationship will finally make them happy, most partners are convinced that the relationship with them should also make their partner happy. For fear of hurting or even losing their partner, they prefer to remain silent when it might not be the case.

    And so, the vicious circle begins. Feelings are suppressed, thoughts are kept secret and one may struggle to put on the right face for the appropriate occasion. This can not only result in frustration and depression, but also in serious physical illnesses.

    There’s no shame in admitting that you just want to increase your personal happiness. You make your own luck. If you want more happy moments in your life and you are ready to take your relationship to a new level, you must make a clear decision and be ready to walk the paths that shows up.

    Courage cannot be bought – you have it!

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